Tuesday 24 March 2015

Pascal Eenkhoorn scores another big win in La Bernaudeau Junior!

Dutch rider, Pascal Eenkhoorn (Avia Wcup CT) won 22nd edition of La Bernaudeau Junior after solo attack two kilometers from the finish. French riders, Enzo Bernard (Pays des Olonnes Cycliste Côte de Lumière) and Kevin Perret (Pôle Espoirs Pays De La Loire ) completed the podium.

Cycling junior
Final podium (Bernard, Eenkhoorn, Perret, photo: bernaudeaujunior.free.fr)

We had numerous attacks right from the start of the race as hilly terrain was very suited to the breakaways. First serious breakway formed after around 15 kilometres. Aaron Verwilst (Tielse Renners Club), Jack Escritt (HMT Academy JLT Condor) and Antonio Barbero (Flex Fundacion Alberto Contador) managed to gain 48 seconds  once they reached the village of St Mars Prés.

After the first climb of the day, the leading trio was joined by two attackers from the peleton: Guillaume Millessau (Argenteuil Val Seine 95) and Tanguy Turgis (US Metro Transports). Escritt was dropped. The four leaders managed to stay in front of the peleton with small gap. Just before the second climb of the day it was only Verwilst who was still in front from the first break of the day. Millessa, Turgis and Belgian rider was joined by Fabien Rondeau (Team Juniors Nantes Atlantique). After the third climb of the day they had 40" on the bunch with 70 kilometers to go. Verwilst sealed win in KOM classification and the break was finally caught before the peleton reached the final circuit. With three laps to go Turgis tried to attack once again and was joined by 2014 winner, Theo Nicolas (Argenteuil Val Seine 95), Kevin Perret (Pôle Espoirs Pays De La Loire) and Maxime Le Tiec (Guidon Chalettois) but they were quickly caught and with 19 km to go we had a pretty big group at the front of La Bernaudeau Junior.

Cycling junior
Pascal Eenkhoorn celebrates his second big win of the season (photo: directvelo.com)

The final kilometers were pretty hectic as numerous attacks were coming from the peleton. FInally, with less then five kilometers to go we had a group of 23 riders at the front with small gap over the big peleton. Pascal Eenkhoorn attacked from the leading group with two kilometers to go and managed to keep the small gap right until the end to win his second uci race in juniors in a row.


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