Saturday 11 April 2015

Interview: Pascal Eenkhoorn

Pascal Eenkhoorn had a brilliant start of the season, he won two important 1.1 races from junior calendar and was in the mix in pretty much every race he enters. Young Dutchman agreed to answer couple of questions just a few days away from Paris Roubaix, his next goal and one of the biggest races of the season.

Hello Pascal,
First of all, congrats for great start of the season. Winning both Bernaudeau Junior and GP André Noyelle probably gave you a big confidence for the rest of the season ?
Thank you! It's great to win two big races in the beginning of this season because it means I had a good winter and that I took the right decision to quit cx!

In your second year as a junior you have decided to focus 100% on road racing and joined Belgian team, Avia Wcup Cycling Team. Can you tell us more why did you choose this particular team?
Avia was always interested in me and when I quit cyclocross there was no problem for me to join that team. Everything is perfect there and the people have a lot of knowledge! 

You've recently finished Ster van Zuid-Limburg. Can you tell us how the race unfold ?
It was a really tactical race with a hard prologue in the beginning. In the first stage there were some good breakaways but it ended up in a bunch sprint. Last 2 days were really tactical with a lot of attacks. The winner Mathias closed the gap to the breakaway on his own the last day and was simply the strongest guy!

Upcoming Sunday is the time for Paris Roubaix, first Nations Cup event of the year. You rode this classic already last year but you didn't finish. What do you remember from the race and how did it end up for you ?
I really look forward to that race, because it's such a nice event! Last year I crashed and had some chain problems so it are not the best memories. Last year I did recon the course with Johan Museeuw and he gave me a lot of tips, hopefully they'll help me this year!

Netherlands sends a very strong team for Paris Roubaix. What's your expectations ? Are you going to be a protected rider ?
Yes the Dutch team is really strong in the beginning of this season. We have a good team for Paris-Roubaix. I said, even before this season, Bram Welten is going to win Paris-Roubaix, so that is my expectation! I don't know what my job is for Roubaix but if it's going to be a sprint for the victory I think I have to do some work for Bram as one of the fastest guy in the peloton!

What are your goals for the rest of the season ? Any specific race you would like to win ?
I hope to ride a many races for  a good result but I don't focus especially on one or two races.

How would you describe yourself as a rider ? Tell us more about your characteristic.
I really don't know it myself. My TT is okay, I'm strong in the Ardennes and short climbs and I'm not slow at the finish line too! 

The season has just started but I'm sure you're looking forward for next year already which will be the first one in u23 category. What are your expectations ? 
My friend Peter Lenderink just joined the U23 category and now I know it's not going to be easy. Hopefully I can join a strong team and they can help me develop a lot for the future!

You are riding in junior category for a second year doing a lot of events in different countries. If you have to drop one name of a rider you rode against that have bright future in cycling who would that be ?
Pavel Sivakov ;)

Thank you!

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