Saturday 24 February 2018

Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne 2018 Preview

The off season for junior is over and we can finally see some of the best riders at the start of traditional season opener in Belgium. Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne is the first uci categorized race of the season for juniors, first official race for many riders and first important test for all the big names that will test their legs at the beginning of classics period.

Despite it's just the first race of the season and the fact that on the start list we can find teams mostly from Belgium and the Netherlands the race is an important event. The list of previous winners include guys like Moreno Hofland, Adam Blythe and Geraint Thomas. Dylan Groenewegen was 2nd in 2012 as well as Jasper Philipsen in 2016. In recent editions, most of the strongest juniors looking for glory in classics started their season in Kuurne. Last year we had an interesting finale with no Belgium riders in final move. Three Danish riders and Remi Huens from France has made a final selection and Fredrik Eriksen lead out his team mate from Team Herning CK, Johan Langballe for a win. Peter Haslund was second and Huens completed the podium.

Johan Langballe shared his opinion about Kuurne:
Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne is always an exciting race for the juniors, as it is the first big race of the year. The first chance to compare your form to the best juniors in world. Last years edition was a big deal for me, and my team. It marked the start of a great year for me and often does for the winner as it is an indicator for who stuck to their winter miles and who will achieve great things the rest of the year.

I have also asked Johan how the race unfold and about his crucial move:
The race last year was mostly a race of position and nutrition. The ability to position yourself perfectly leading in to the climbs and on the narrow roads, will save energy and just give you that last percent in the final. The first 80 km last year were mostly a case of whittling down the peloton and tiring the riders with short climbs. No breakaway could get a real footing as the peloton regrouped on the descents and flat sections. The exception was on Kanarieberg, the 3rd categorized climb, where the strong riders, who were also represented in the final, battled it out on the steep sections towards the top, but nothing came of it. The next challenge was the Oude Kwaremont, which in and of itself is a tough climb, but the descent and narrow roads approaching it, results in a tough battle for position, in which more than one rider ended up in the ditch. The climb itself was ridden at a steady, but fast, pace which pulled a select group of the front, but the headwind on the descent made it tough to stay away and before the cobbled section following, we were caught. However, the selection in the peloton was apparent. Less than 50 riders were remaining. The kilometres until the final circuit were plagued with attacks left and right, but nothing seemed to stick, until a 3-rider group broke off on the second to last lap. My Team mate Frederik Eriksen, Peter Haslund and Remi Huens. The only 5-rider teams at this race meant that no team were interested to take responsibility. That meant the group opened a gap. When the peloton passed the 10 km mark, it halted for a second and I tried to breakaway. I got a gap and soloed to the leaders. In the final my teammate, Frederik Eriksen, selflessly sacrificed his own chances and rode a perfect leadout, and I finished the job by taking the win.

Johan Langablle taking a win


The race is 120 km long and starts in Kuurne before heading to Oudenaarde for the most important part of the race with all the hellingen.We have a slight change in route with a new opening climb. Instead of Edelare riders will tackle Wolvenberg (32km, 780m, avg. 7.9%, max 17%)after 32km. It's a popular climb used many times in Ronde and Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and it's much harder then previously used Edelare. The next 55 kilometres is the crucial part with all the important hills that will surely split the field. Riders will tackle one after another: Stokstraat (40,3km, 1.1km, avg. 5%, max 8%), Kanarieberg (49,6km, 1km, avg. 7.7% , max 14%), Hotond  (55,8km, 2.7km, avg. 3% , max 7,5%), Oude Kwaremont (66,5km, 2.2km, avg. 4% , max 11,6%), Tiegemberg (76,4km, 750m, avg. 5.6% , max 9%) Holstraat (80,8km, 1km, avg. 5.2% , max 12%) and finally Nokereberg (88,3km, 350m, avg. 5.7% , max 7%) which ends 35 km from the finish line. After that, riders will head back to Kuurne on flat roads with one 15 kilometres lap at the end in Kuurne.

Johaned shared his opinion about the route:
The crucial points of the race are hard to point out, as it requires a rider, who knows how to look after himself, both in regard to his position in the peloton and nutritionally, as it is a long race, and most riders have not yet gotten their in-race eating schedule down. But the Kanarieberg is a great place to test the legs before the big battle on Oude Kwaremont. If the wind is in the right direction a select group might ride away over the top and on the following cobbled section. If the peloton is still together on the finishing laps, depending on how tough the race has been so far, it might be a sprint or a smaller break, but if you are in it to win it, you have to stay awake

Race profile by La Flamme Rouge


This year Acrog Pauwelssauzen Balen Bc riders are the main favourites to win. Remco Evenepoel is an obvious pick for me and he has already proved his level this year. Winner of Philippe Gilbert Classic who has already signed contract with Hagens Berman Axeon for 2019 won Clubkampioenschap in Rumst last weekend. He attacked after 1km and rode full distance (57,4km) solo. Finished with 3´32" gap over second rider! He may feel better on Ardennes type of races but I believe he is strong enough to ride away from everyone on cobbles. He will have a strong support with Dutch rider Casper Van Uden. First year junior impressed in u17 category wining over a dozen races in several countries. He is good enough to fight for a win in big races for juniors coming straight from u17.

It's been a tradition that Danish teams ride season opener in Belgium and usually they are in the mix for a win. Team Herning CK Junior (Johan Langballe's team) brings two strong cards. Fredrik Nybo Eriksen was already 4th last year and could be Langballe's successor. Last year he was part of crucial move that gave his team mate a win thanks to his lead out. Second option might be Jacob Hindsgaul Madsen. He won several races last year on local scene and impressed on queen stage of Course de la Paix (3rd place) before crashing out on the final stage. Same as Evenepoel, he would prefer a different type of climbs but he should be competitive on cobbles as well.

South East Cycling Team is another team that used to do well in Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne. They won 2016 (Ethan Hayter) and 2014 (James Shaw) editions. Welshman Oscar Mingay should be their leader this year even tough he might be a little too light for cobbles. He won British Junior Road series last year as a first year junior and had several top ten in Belgium local races and is yet to prove his level on international scene. So far his best result is sixth place on queen stage of Sint-Martinusprijs Kontich.

Great Britain brings a strong competitive team with several riders who may fight for a victory. They took part in international track event earlier this year in Apeldoorn showing good form at the beginning of the season. Ethan Vernon seems to be a raw diamond in terms of track racing and it will be interesting to see him on road. William Tidball might be another rider who feels better on track but last year he won Junior CiCLE Classic ridden in tough conditions. Both Vernon and Tidball were a part of team pursuit squad who won in Apledoorn. Vernon also put a tremendous ride in individual pursuit winning with six seconds gap over.. Tidball. Of course track racing has nothing to do with cobbles but early season shape for versatile rider might be enough to search a victory on Sunday.

Vito Braet is another strong contender. As a first year junior he was competitive in all the biggest spring classics. He started with 16th place in Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne before finishing 15th in Gent Wevelgem, 11th in Ronde, 18th in Roubaix and finally his best result came from E3 Harelbeke where he was ninth. As a second year junior he should be able to improve his results and fight for a win on Sunday.

Finally, Van Moer Logistics Cycling Team has two cards to play. Ilan Van Wilder was very consistent as first year junior. He has finished top ten in several hilly races including 6th place in SPIE Internationale Juniorendriedaagse and Aubel - Thimister - La Gleize. He was also second in La route des GĂ©ants where Evenepoel beat him in small group sprint. Xandres Vervloesem prefers more hilly terrain as he was 2nd in Ain Bugey Valromey Tour where he won a the last stage and also 3rd in Aubel - Thimister - La Gleize where he also won a stage as well as young rider jersey ahead of Ponsaerts and Van Wilder.

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