Saturday 30 March 2019

Gent Wevelgem 2019 Preview

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It's finally time for first Nations Cup event of the season, Grote Prijs André Noyelle (aka Gent Wevelgem U19).

History of the race started in 1983 when Reginald Vandamme won the first edition. In 1996 race was named after André Noyelle, the only Belgian Olympic gold medallist in cycling who was born in Ypres, city host of this event . On the list of previous winners you may find some big names like Meersman, Stannard and Devolder. Dutch riders have won three consecutive editions (Looij in 2013, Cornelisse in 2014 and Eenkhoorn in 2015). Last year we have witnessed a breakaway of three strong riders who managed to keep the gap over peloton for the whole race and sprinted for a victory in Ieper. Samuele Manfredi won ahead of Søren Wærenskjold and Quinn Simmons. Remco Evenepoel was eleventh and it was probably his biggest defeat last season.

2018 podium (photo: directvelo)


Race profile by @laflammerouge

Race will start and finish in Ieper and it's 120,5 kilometers long. The main difficulties are of course the cobbled climbs. Riders will tackle two laps with three climbs on each: Baneberg (136 m, 1.2 Km at 6.5%),  Kemmelberg (158 m, 1.0 Km at 7.9%) and Monteberg (93 m, 0.8 Km at 5.5%). Famous Kemmelberg is the crucial point with high gradients and 600 meters of cobbles. The second ascent of Kemmelberg crests with 31 kilometers to go. We can expect some crucial moves there but the last 27 kms after Monteberg are flat which may help some dropped riders to come back to the main group. The race scenario depends on weather conditions. If we are going to have strong winds and some rain then we can expect small group to fight for a win. With good weather conditions we may even see a group sprint of 20-30 riders.


Great Britain is the strongest team at the start and also the most successful one on cobbles this season. They have four strong cards to play and we can expect them to try control the race and keep as many options as possible likely until second Kemmelberg or even the last kilometers. Paris Roubaix 2018 winner, Lewis Askey has already finished fourth in Guido Reybrouck Classic and sixth in Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne despite some bad luck. Samuel Watson won Guido Reybrouck Classic just a week ago and was also eighth in Paris Roubaix last year. Leo Hayter was fourth in Kuurne while Ben Tulett, cyclocross world champion, started his road season with eleventh place in Bernaudeau Junior. Each of those can win tomorrow and the road will probably decide who they will ride for.

I have asked Samuel Watson to share his thoughts about the race:

I haven’t actually yet ridden the route as I didn’t race this race last year. I am traveling to Belgium tomorrow and on Saturday we will do a recce of the race. Which then we will know everything we need to know about the route. I have never been in a junior race where the bunch sprint is going for the win, a break has always been up the road and I know last year the winning move went very early last year so possibly that could happen this year to. In junior races there are lost of people in the race who are capable and are going for the win so I don’t really have a list of favorites for the race.

Netherlands brings their best team as well with several cards to play. So far, Capser Van Uden seems to be the strongest as he has one the most important race so far, Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne with a strong sprint from a group of favorites. Bodi del Grosso is the most consistent rider on cobbled this year as he was up there with the best in each of three races he entered: third in Kuurne, fifth in Nokere Koerse and fifteenth in Bernaudeau Junior. Axel van der Tuuk had no luck this year so far and is eager to prove that his great results as first year junior wasn't just a luck.

Quinn Simmons is going to ride for the first time in Europe this year in Gent Wevelgem but it shouldn't be an issue for him as last year he was already third in this year. He was racing against the pro's earlier this season in USA and score some notable results including stage in in Redlands Classic. One of the strongest riders at the start tomorrow with a stron team backing him.

Quinn Simmons shared his thoughts as well:

Last year we made and early break that was out for 110k. I do not think that will be possible again. We were able to do recon today and I think that any of the main climbs could be critical depending on how the course is raced. For favorites it is hard to say because this is the First Nations cup of the season but I believe the Danish and Italian teams will be good as always and the Netherlands with Casper van Uden already showing very good form this year. For me I hope to ride a safe race and hope for good legs. It’s my first euro race of the year and we just flew over so still some jet lag but we will see how things play out.

Belgium is not as strong as usual but still have several strong riders that worth a mention. Alex Vandenbulcke was ninth here last year and showed good shape in first few races of this season including fourth place in Nokere Koerse. Other notable starters are probably first year juniors, Ramses Debruyne who finished sixth in Guido Reybrouck and 15th in Kuurne and Arnaud De Lie who is yet to prove his talent in junior category but considering how strong he was in cadets, big result is coming sooner or later.

I have Asked Alex about his thoughts before the race:

Well last year was amazing, i attacked before the second time Kemmelberg and then Remco Evenepoel joined me. He rode to a small group where I could sprint for seventh place. I did a recon, but I know the place its only 50 km form my home. I think every part will be crucial because there will be some wind. But Kemmelberg will be the most crucial part. The favorites are Lewis Askey and Casper van Uden and in general Dutch and English riders. I hope to do well like last year but it is always difficult to be better then a year before.

Italy is always strong in nations cup events but their leaders, Andrea Piccolo and Antonio Tiberi are more suited to hilly classics. But considering how strong both are, I wouldn't rule them out for tomorrow. Especially Piccolo is already in great shape and has two wins this year in Italy.

France brings Hugo Page who already won two races this season and finished tenth in Bernaudeau Junior. Antonin Corvaisier was second in Kuurne and seventh in Bernaudeau Junior. He also won Trophée Louison Bobet in France earlier this year. Both French leaders are suited to this type of races and Corvaisier is very fast on the line. If a group arrives together in Ieper he will be one of the favorites.

Surprisingly, Spain brings a very strong and competitive team. Carlos Rodriguez is their most successful junior rider in many years who already managed to finish sixth in Paris Roubaix last year. He was also fourteenth in Gent Wevelgem. He is a strong versatile rider who is capable to do well in almost every terrain. As a second year junior now, we can expect Carlos to improve his results. Other notable started is Juan Ayuso, another wunderkid from u17 category. So far this year, he was the only one who can match the domination of Contador's team for which Rodriguez is racing. If someone is going to surprise everyone tomorrow, it may be Ayuso.

Other notable starters: Benjamin Hertz, Robin Skivild, Michel Hessmann, Finley Newmark, Sakarias Koller Løland, Michał Gałka and Michał Jaskot.

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